Born out West, Gerald Wagoner became a poet and a sculptor. In NYC since 1984, he made art, exhibited, taught, wrote and worked long into the future.

I am a madman all compact.
Gerald Wagoner
University at Albany, State University of New York Graduated 1983
· M.F.A Sculpture
University at Albany, State University of New York Graduated 1982
· M.A. Sculpture
University of Montana Graduated 1970
· B.A. Creative Writing
Poets House Workshop: Elena Rivers,The Open Mind 2018
Poets House Workshop: Neal Shepard, The Whole Poem 2017
BrooklynPoets Workshop: Jay Deshpande, Ending on Surprise 2017
Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York
1988-1990, Education, 2017 Studio Art
Museum Art School, Portland, Oregon
1975 drawing and sculpture
Secondary School for Journalism, Brooklyn, NY English Language Arts Teacher 2001–2017
Taught ELA grades 6-12
Taught various electives including Model United Nations and Drama
New Teacher Mentor
Student teacher Mentor
2012-15 ELA Department Chair
2014-16 Grade 12 Team Leader
Sunset Park Prep Academy, Brooklyn, NY English Teacher 2000–2001
· Taught ELA and Humanities grades 6-8
· Collaborated on the development of thematic unit designing
The George E. Wibecan School, Brooklyn, NY Common Branches Writing Teacher 1995–1999
· Cluster Teacher Writing K-6 Classroom teacher grades 2 and 5
· Published student literary magazine
· Produced annual school plays and presentations
Thaddeus Stevens P.S. 81, Brooklyn, NY Common Branches Art Teacher 1990–1994
· Organized in school art exhibition
· Permanently installed three student created large art works
· Presented student work of tribal masks at the New York City
Principal’s conference
Thaddeus Stevens P.S. 81, Brooklyn, NY Artist in Residence 1985–1987
· Studio-in-a-School-Association Artist in Residence
· Created and maintained visual arts studio K-6
· Taught various mediums including painting, drawing, printmaking
and sculpture
1981 Foster White Gallery, Seattle, WA
1980 Anyart Contemporary Art Center, Providence R.I.
1979 Foster White Gallery, Seattle, WA
1977 Myla Keller Gallery, Salem OR
1996 Eighth Floor Gallery, NY, NY
Fulton Ferry Empire State Park Outdoor Sculpture Show (juried: BWAC Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition), Brooklyn, NY
Rotunda Gallery, Small Works (juried: BWAC), Brooklyn, NY
1995 Kentler International Drawing Space, BWAC Brooklyn, NY
Pier Show III, BWAC Brooklyn, NY (juried)
Rotunda Gallery, Small Works (juried: BWAC), Brooklyn, NY
1994 Pier Show II, BWAC Brooklyn, NY (juried)
1992 A.T.W (Around the World) Project “Sounding Room”: Tokyo, Japan, Cape Town,
South Africa, Amsterdam, Holland
Haena-Kent Gallery, New York, NY
A.T.W. Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany, “Bilder Vom Neuen Deutschland”.
A.T.W. Past-Present-Future: P.S.1. Museum, Long Island City, NY & Language Plus, Alma Quebec, Canada
1989 Brownson Art Gallery, Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY
1988 Artists Space, New York, New York. “Studio in a School Association Artists”
1986 Flushing Arts Council Gallery, Flushing, NY (juried)
Chuck Levitan Gallery, New York, NY
Museum of Art and Science, Bridgeport, CT “Please Touch: Sculpture for the Blind”
1985 Chesterwood Museum, Stockbridge, MA (juried)
The Drawing Center, New York, NY
Queens Museum, Flushing, NY “Annual Juried Exhibition 85” (Juror: Grace Gluck)
1983 Chesterwood Museum, Stockbridge, MA (juried)
1982 MASS: Major Albany Sculpture Sites, Albany NY
1978 Portland Art Museum “Artists of Oregon Annual Exhibition” Portland, OR
1985–1988 Studio-in-a-School-Association Artist in Residence
2018 Visiting Artist; Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation
2018 Right Hand Pointing May issue #122 poem "Dear Richard Hugo",
August issue #125 poem "Chance Encounters in Spacetime"